The Pacific Regional Aquaculture Information Service for Education (PRAISE) is a program, implemented under the USDA Regional Aquaculture Center Program, whose goal is to support the development of the aquaculture industry in the Pacific Region by promotion of information transfer. PRAISE is supported by the Center for Tropical and Subtropical Aquaculture and staffed by personnel of the Science & Technology Reference Department of the University of Hawaii-Manoa's Hamilton Library.
The Aquaculture Collaborative Research Support Program's mission is to enrich livelihoods and promote health by cultivating international multidisciplinary partnerships that advance science, research, education, and outreach in aquatic resources.
Sepang Today Aquaculture Centre es la primera y, sin duda, el primer ministro aquafarming privadas de desarrollo de recursos humanos y la escuela de formación en Malasia, además de ser reconocido internacionalmente. El centro fue construido sobre el compromiso de servir a las industrias aquafarming de Malasia y otras partes del mundo y desde entonces ha movido con éxito en esta dirección.
For the past few years, we have received news about the achievement and performance from STAC alumni's farms from Saudi Arabia Red Sea Tiger Prawn Farm, Seychelles Marketing Board Tiger Prawn Farm, Seahorse Corporation Tiger Prawn Farm and Central Cold Storage Kuching Tiger Prawn Farm at Sarawak, and many individual farms from Brunei, Vietnam, Indonesia and Malaysia.