Compañía fabricante de pescados ahumados, salzones y pates de pescado.
Productos: Salmón ahumado, Trucha y Lubina, Pez Espada y Anguila, Palometa, Anchoa y Boquerón, Bacalao, Atún Ahumado, Salazones y Huevas.
Ireland’s finest smoked shellfish.
From our Smokehouse situated in the foothills of the Wicklow mountains and close to the ancient fishing port of Arklow comes some of Irelands finest artisan products. Taking the best ingredients from clean oceanic waters and lush green pastures we have crafted this unique range of fresh, natural shellfish products for you to explore.
Smoked Oysters | Smoked Scallops | Smoked Mussels | Smoked Oyster Paté | Smoked Scallop Paté | Smoked Mussel Paté | Smoked Seafood Hampers.
Producimos un rango de los productos ahumados gastrónomo de los crustáceos. Hemos ahumado actualmente ostras, conchas de peregrino ahumados y los mejillones ahumados.